Other Derm Resources
These are other websites and resources I have found really useful. Some are free, some provided by pharmaceutical companies, some are veterinary groups, others are small businesses like me :)

British Veterinary Dermatology Study Group
Really friendly group that holds two meetings per year, one in Spring, often on the day before the BSAVA Congress, and a 2-day meeting in Autumn, usually November. Both have excellent speakers.
BVDSG membership is open to any veterinary surgeon with an interest in dermatology.
Membership has many advantages including:
- Discounts on attending our twice yearly meetings
- Digital copies of our DermNews, a twice yearly newsletter
- Digital Copies of the proceedings of the meetings whether you attend or not

World Association for Veterinary Dermatology
To promote the worldwide advancement of veterinary dermatology.
There are loads of free webinars on the site
Webinars - World Association for Veterinary Dermatology (SG) (wavd.org)

Happy Skin Vet emails
I case you haven't subscribed yet! I only send emails when there is something new or interesting in the vet derm world.

Membership is open to all veterinarians who are interested in veterinary dermatology. You will get reduced registration fees for the ESVD-ECVD congress, the World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology and workshops. You will also receive the monthly newsletter.

Veterinary Nursing Dermatology Group
The VNDG aims to support and encourage all Veterinary Nurses interested in the field of Dermatology, to better their understanding and skills in the field for the improvement of patient outcomes.

Ceva Course Academy
Ceva (who have Douxo S3) have CPD on cytology for vets. Great course that gets straight into it!

Douxo S3
This is the UK owner information site on the shampoos, mousses, wipes etc

Ewan Ferguson - Anderson Moores
Ewan has a nice webinar on Ear disease on the Anderson Moores CPD page. You will need to log-in / make a password to see it.

DVM360 Dermatology Page
DVM360 is an American site with loads of information. They have a derm-specific section. I can spend days on here....
'The dvm360® dermatology page is home to a plethora of resources involving the latest advancements in diagnosing, managing, and treating, dermatology. From expert insights into the latest trends to interviews, videos, podcasts, news, and beyond, find out everything you need to know about dermatology here.'

Clinician's Brief
An American site with articles, videos and podcasts. No specific derm page, you just have to do a search for 'dermatology'.

Bova UK
Bova Scholars have a webinar by Tim Nuttall on antimicrobial stewardship that is excellent and everyone should watch it! You will need to scroll down the page then register.
Antimicrobial stewardship – how you can make a difference

Zero Pain Philosophy
I LOVE this site. Not strictly dermatology but loads of excellent information on pain relief. You can subscribe and there are free resources as well.

Dechra Academy
Follow the links to the dermatology courses - there's a lot on ear cytology. I'll put the owner website and ear 4d model links separately

Dechra Owner Information Page
Ok I've decided I like this site!

4D ear model
Actually I really like this

Boehringer Academy
Actually not really any dermatology stuff apart from mites and fleas - but a couple of nice webinars on those

The website keeps changing and is a bit complicated, but good stuff on there if you dig. The webinars are excellent.

Heska pododermatitis webinar
In this webinar, you will learn about:
- Examination of pododermatitis patient
- Interdigital, paw pad, and nailbed lesions
- Diagnosis and treatment for diseases causing pododermatitis
- Demodex, Pemphigus foliaceus, interdigital cysts, and more

Heska webinars
Heska have a bunch of other webinars as well, some are derm related

Today's Veterinary Practice
US site with lots of nice derm articles!

Vet Times
Vet Times have a dermatology CPD section

Guidelines on infection - dermatology and other disciplines

International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals.
Loads of important papers and guidelines!

2023 AAHA Guidelines
2023 AAHA Management of Allergic Skin Diseases in Dogs and Cats Guidelines