Happy Skin Vet email update. Volume 1 Issue 3
Apr 01, 2023
Good to know:
A word of warning – If you mix Canesten Solution with injectable dexamethasone (eg colvasone, rapidex etc) it causes an exothermic reaction!!!!
The reaction takes place when you first mix them together, then it settles down. So fine to mix them, then leave a few minutes, then put down dog’s ears. But don’t put one of them down the dog’s ear, then the other, as the reaction will take place in the ear!
A common recipe that is being used is 20mls canesten to 20 mls dexamethasone, instil into ears with a syringe, ½ to 1ml once a day.
Canesten Solution is a human preparation containing Clotrimazole 1%, and comes in bottles of 20mls.
The dexamethasone is the 0.2% solution for injection. (eg Colvasone, Rapidex, Dexadresson)
‘Mometamax Ultra Ear Drops Suspension for Dogs’
So I reviewed this new product coming out in the first edition of the Derm News Blog – but what I hadn’t realised is that this is a single-dose treatment (a bit like Neptra) but containing gentamicin, posaconazole and mometasone. It’s licensed for Malassezia and Staphylococcus, not for Pseudomonas. I went to the Dermatology Abstracts at the recent BSAVA Congress and one of the Abstracts was ‘One in-clinic dose of gentamicin, posaconazole and mometasone furoate ear drops suspension is a safe and effective treatment for canine otitis externa’ by Lea Heuer (but actually presented by Linda Horspool).
I am not sure yet exactly where it will fit into my arsenal of ear meds. I would rather use ‘lower gun’ antibiotics for Staphylococcus. (And preferably no antibiotics for Malassezia – tricky situation). With Pseudomonas being so aggressive would a single-dose treatment be enough??
I don’t know! But I am going to try and find out! As far as I can tell it hasn’t actually been released, but it has been approved. I will keep you all up to date when I find some information :D
And lastly, my evening seminar for the Vet Students at The University of Nottingham on Topical Therapy in General Practice – Just Do Cytology (sponsored by CEVA – many thanks!) went really well. I was well chuffed by how engaged the students were. I think the future of vetting is in good hands!
I am doing another evening talk on ‘Topical Therapy in General Practice – Just Do Cytology’ for vets in Andover and surrounds on 12th April. If you would like to come you can Register Here. Again, many thanks to CEVA.
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